Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Gracia and Barney

Just this afternoon I was digging up some old photos and to my surprise, I found a BARNEY book!!! And it's teaching about COLOURS ! Splendid... just what I was looking for ( was teaching baby about colours this morning) !

And I passed the book to baby Gracia...... can you imagine how proud I was.. seeing Gracia READ Barney ( instead of watching TV..) .. Ha ha so intelligent...must have taken after daddy..

hmmm....however after a minute or so later..


Free from Fear .....freedom as a daughter

My meditations on Galatians .........

"You are all SONS OF GOD through faith in Christ Jesus for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ......if you belong with Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Gal 3 :26-29

Lately the lord has been reminding me of who I am to Him, HIS DAUGHTER. When I was reading Galatians, this verse sprang out to me affirming me once again that I AM HIS DAUGHTER. Not only that, this time, it also states my INHERITANCE through the promise to Abraham.

I went back to read Genesis ...

" I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. " Gen 12:2-3

Wow, what a blessing! Lindee will be a great nation and Lindee's name will be great and all peoples on earth will be blessed through Lindee. It sounds overwhelming but yes, it's true and God will fulfill his promise just as He did for Abraham and Sarah ...... SUPERNATURALLY! ( Gal 4:23)

As I reflect on the challenges that I faced recently in coping as a mother to all my daughters, the lord's word above spoke new confidence in me.

How easy it is to be gripped with fear when we face challenging and difficult situations of our lives when we dunno know how things are going to turn out and whether we have what it takes to make it thru.. How often we are driven by fear to face the responsibilities and tasks before us.

But the Lord is affirming me once again for the 3rd time of His father's heart to bless me as His daughter in a SUPERNATURAL way.( ya, this is His third time affirming me- once thru my meditation on 2 Cor2 :14 , 2nd time by Ps Melvin' in his sermon week before last week and then once again in this devotion in Galatians) .

Thank you Lord for the relevation of your father's love for me, that I may face every challenge in my life with full confidence that you are with me and I will see you work supernaturally in my life to be a blessing . Regardless of how difficult things may be , I will not let fear rob me of my joy and freedom in living as your daughter.

"It was for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm , then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery " Gal 5:1

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lord i wanna be just like you...

excerpts from a song by philip,craig and dean that sings my heart's desire....

" Lord I wanna be just like you

cause she wanna be just like me

I wanna be a holy example

for her innocent eyes to see

help me be a living bible, Lord

that my little girl can read

I wanna be like you

cause she wanna be like me "

Lately, been faced with many challenges as I mother my spiritual children too... there's so much I wanna do for each of them but so little time but the lord reminded me to look beyond my limitations and continue to give from my heart ...=)
the rest of the song so aptly describes how I feel ....
"Got to admit I've got so far to go
Make so many mistakes and I'm sure that You know
Sometimes it seems no matter how hard I try
With all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right
But I'm trying so hard to learn from the best
Being patient and kind, filled with Your tenderness'
Cause I know that she'll learn from the things that she sees
And the Jesus she finds will be the Jesus in me
Right now from where she stands I may seem mighty tall
But it's only 'cause I'm learning from the best Father of them all"

when it doesn't seem like victory .....

" Declare the areas in your life that you want to claim victory for this year " I led my spiritual children in this faith exercise during our cell time just abt 2 weeks back.....

For me that night, I declared that I will be a victorious mother - both physically and spiritually , and left cell feeling high about being victorious. But it was from then on , the challenges that threatened my victorious spirit surfaced..............

"Gracia's crying again to be fed for the 3rd time and it's 4am!!!!!!!!" By then, I was totally exhuasted and my frustrations got the better of me and I told daddy johnson that THAT"S IT... I'm going to IGNORE her cries. Instead of reprimanding me, daddy just gentle pat me to sleep and lovingly told me that he'll take over.

I lost my cool , I felt defeated... is this what a victorious mother should be ? I felt mocked at , like an inner voice telling me ' haha what kind of victorious mother are you???'

I took some time to just meditate in the lord's presense and remembered a message from Ps Khong recent sermon To be ALWAYS thankful. thatI realised God was doing a deeper work which my physical eyes cannot yet see but only a thankful spirit is able to see the beauty of God's blessings unfolding in the midst of the challenges... I saw the depth of love demonstrated by daddy johnson thru his patience in coping with a frustrated mum and crying baby. How blessed I am to have such a loving husband. And I realised the lord was teaching me about "PATIENCE".

I learnt that....A Victorious spirit comes from resting in the confidence as the Lord's daughter allowing Hin to lead me to victory as He do a deeper work in me , it's not a high emotion neither is it demanding victory on our conditions. Thank you Lord for your grace in revealing to me this nugget of truth.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

baby retro

Yeah, I'm not only dressed up for my retro party, i'm also dressed to blend with my daddy& mummy's bedsheet =)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Gracia's open cell

It all starts with 3 first...... I think Gracia was about to raise a prayer request...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I am a VICTORIOUS daughter of the Lord

"But thanks be to God , who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him " 2 Corinthians:14
One of my spiritual daughters was sharing with me recently that she feared that she may lose her job due to some changes in the HR policy and was asking God why did He put her there if it means that the position may not be a permanent one afterall.
I pondered for some time , waiting upon the lord as to how to reply her (ya didn;t wanna reply with some airy fairy reply). I felt the lord brought me to the verse that we are claiming as a church for this year of victory, 2 Cor :14.
As I meditated upon the verse, felt a resonance in my heart that YES, GOD wants to bless us ( HIS CHILDREN) and lead us to victory always so that through us, pple around us will see and testify of the reality and goodness of our lord!
Another thing that spoke to me was, I am the daughter of God, surely He will bless me .
I drew an analogy with Gracia. I looked at her and really want to give her the best I can give her - endured the earlier breastfeeding blues( and pains) to give her the best nourishment ( BREAST MILK) for her 1st 6 mths ,constantly evaluating my parenting style to ensure that she will be an emotionally secure baby, constantly thinking of what toys will interest her and develop her well intellectually etc . If I ,an imperfect person can desire and do so much to bless my daughter, how much more my heavenly father!!! =)
So as I reminded my spiritual daughter of this verse again, I was sharing with confidence that whatever the circumstances, however uncertain, we can have confidence that we will have a victorious life ahead because of our heavenly father who will always lead us into victory and through our lives, many will come to know Him!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Looking ahead in year 2007

It will be a year of VICTORY ......and I want to stay FOCUSED to
Go Deep in the Lord
( so as to be filled with the Lord's love and wisdom to continue giving and be a blessing )
Look far in the vision
( so that I can purposefully busy as I align myself in the Lord's heart and direction for me)
Ask Big in the vision
( so that I can experience the Lord's supernatural in my life as I see His hands go before me)