Finally... am going to work only part time's really been crasy juggling with work and family esp with the little girl Gracia getting so interactive !!!
So am really glad that FINALLY, I have begun my part time plans this May.. to really orientate my life and do what I love doing most... to spend time nurturing little Gracia and the little one coming along in Sept...........
Yup, that also means that I can finally start sharing on my blog again. While I was working full time, it was near impossible to be sitting by my PC after work without little Gracia popping by to invite me to join in with her games. And then when she's finally asleep.... I 'm almost exhausted my energy tank for the day!
Well but going part time has not been easy for me too... frankly , eversince I was pregnant ( oh yes.... I didn't share..I 'm expecting baby no 2 in Sept 2008!!!!!!!!), I was nevery the same again at work.. not as competent and fast... it's really hard to explain.. I really try but just not as focused as before.
It was a very humbling period for me at work, was losing my confidence at work but guess what... The Lord led me to understand another deeper truth about his heart for me :
This is the key verse for me this season as I struggle with my competency at work -
" His pleasure is not in the strength of horses nor his delight in the legs of man, the Lord delights is in those who fear him , who put their hope in his unfailing love." Ps 147:10.
The Lord reminded me thru this humbling period of time that my significance at work is not measured by how competent I am... a reminder that his love for me is not pegged to my competence but how I face the challenges at work with an attitude that honours him which will be reflected with how I relate to my bosses and collegues at work.
The real challenge for myself is to find HOPE in the Lord's unfailing love for me and not in my competency and ability to perform.
Thank you Jesus for reminding me of your love for me.