Learning to rest
Yes, I am learning to rest. For a SAHM , this is no easy feat.
With 2 kids at home, there's more than enough work to keep me occupied 24/7 , rest is something that would require EFFORT.
But I learnt it the hard way after suffering from the physical and emotional turmoil last week.
The toil on me from lack of rest caused me to lose my joy and it affected my whole family. The kids were having a less patient mummy who played less but quick to snap at them . My hubby also caught the "tired" bug from me and missed his "very talkative wifey" and also missed returning to a home filled with laughter after work.
I needed to discipline myself to rest. God himself modeled for me, then who am I that I need less rest than Him ? We were all designed to have a sabbath rest, any lack of it will catch up with us in time! =)
"And on the seventh day, God rested from all His work" Hebrews 4:4
"And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work...." Genesis 2:3
God's timing could not be better , I attended Ps Benny Ho's seminar as part of my cell group activity last week and was sooooo blessed.. his topic ministered direct to me..." REST ".
Besides a physical rest, Pastor Benny Ho also reminded me that my soul ( emotions) also needed rest., I had to learn to surrender all that has been weighing upon my heart to the lord. Yes, I had to surrender my heart ache to the Lord . `
I must learn to rest my body and soul if I want to continue to be the blessing to my home and all around me. I have determined to make effort to Rest..
For a SAHM, it doesn't come naturally unlike a 9-5 job, but here is a principle that I'll use to prioritise my pockets of free time:
- differentiate the Urgent from the Important tasks --> e.g all my unending housework is Urgent but it's more important that I get my physical rest and take time to find rest for my soul.
Woo Hoo! =)