Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Pure Heart

As I hear this sunday's sermon ( excerpts from the book of Jonah) , reminded me how easily we can keep anger in our hearts towards the pple whom we "judged" . How easy for us to hold grudges and refuse to see through God's eyes of compassion for them .

Brought me back to this song to meditate upon , that I will chose to seek to have a pure heart, one that will not choose to hold anger and reminds me that everyone of us needs the grace of God =)

A pure heart
that's what I long for
a heart that follows hard after thee
A heart that hides your word
so that sin will not come in
A heart that's undivided
but one you rule and reign
A heart that beats compassion
that pleases you my lord
A sweet aroma of worship
that rises to your throne...

Lord , only you know the deep thoughts within me, search me and help me be true to you deep within .

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

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