Thursday, March 05, 2009

Gift of His Grace

I really appreciate the gift of Grace so much more as I see how vulnerable I can be....

I lost my patience so many times but because of Grace... I could continue to Stand and be the nurturing mother and wife that I would want to GROW to be...

Because of Grace , I am set free from the condemnation and guilt of the times that I lost my cool with my kids even though I constantly remind myself that I am modelling for them to be a person filled with grace, love and patience.

Grace, caused me to humble myself to realise that I am weak but comforted to know that I have a God who understands my weakness yet do not judge me.

Grace, gives me the confidence to face my mistakes and move on COz I am already forgiven and still accepted and loved...

Grace, helps me to empathise with those who are struggling with emotional baggages more than others in their lives..

Grace, reminds me , to pause before I jump to judge others coz I am as vulnerable to be tempted to do the very things that I know I should not do too...

Grace, gives me strength and confidence to face the daily challenges of being a SAHM and loving wife coz I know His grace ensures that He will top up all the rest of the things I lack..

Grace, causes me to realise that I need to learn to surrender and let go of the things that are really beyond me to handle...

Grace, gives me the power to overcome depression that could have resulted from self condemnation ...

I'm so thankful for the grace given to me by my loved ones esp my hubby. He knows my weakness and yet accepts me the way I am while nudging me forward towards love and good deeds...

Thank you Jesus for first giving me your grace, so that I can wake up every morning and start afresh again and move on from yesterday's regrets for things I wished I did better as a mummy...
Your grace is so precious to me . =)

" For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are- yet without sin.
Let us then approach the throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need " Hebrews 4 :15 -16

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen =)

