Thursday, May 14, 2009

..... to be happy..... is to ....

Trust and Obey

For there's no other way

To be happy in Jesus

But to trust and Obey

As Gracia is turning 3 soon , she 's becoming more expressive about the things that she wants her way. Challenging ..... while I'm thankful that Gracia is growing in independence (eg like wanting to and being able to dress herself and choose her own shoes to wear, brush her own teeth..) , this is also the important phase to teach her about obedience and having a submissive and humble spirit especially to the authority placed( her daddy ,mummy and the elders) over her life.

In one of her recent defiance episode, I shared with her from my heart (almost to tears) on why I had to teach her to learn to obey.

"Gracia, daddy and mummy wants to teach you to learn to obey us so that you will grow up into a lady of wisdom and discernment with a life that's full of favour with God and people whom you will meet."

She nodded her head. ( actually wonder how much she understands yet....but she ALWAYS surprises me)

Only with a submissive spirit, would one be open to the correction and discipline of the authority that our loving God has put in our lives.

It's my prayer that Gracia will always have a submissive spirit with deep respect and trust for the authorities in her life . Through this , she would grow to understand what it means to fear the Lord =)

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Honour your father and mother -which is the first commandment with a promise-
that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-2

One who lives to fear and honour the Lord has no other fears because he/she has confidence that the Lord LOVES him /her and will grant wisdom and guide him/her all the days of her life.

Dear Lord, thank you for giving Johnson and me the priviledge and awesome responsibility to be the authority and steward over Gracia's and Gabriel's lives. GOd, we know you are one who created the innermost being of our beloved children , Gracia and Gabriel and you have plans to prosper them and give them a wonderful future.

Today , I once again surrender them to you and ask of you to grant me( and Johnson) the grace to parent and nurture the Gkids so that they 'll grow up to bring delight to you and be a blessing all the people around them.

Lord, also teach me what it means to honour my own daddy, mummy and mother in law , that I will be a blessing to their lives. Teach me to learn to listen and hear them and treat them with respect esp during the times when I'm not in the best of moods . Help me be the model for Gracia and Gabriel to follow after.


belle said...

wow... big words used for the 3 yr old aye... I bet her vocab will be so advanced compared to her peers! heh heh

Sunshine said...

ya... i dunno what came over me.. it came came out of me to her and i was acyually tuched by me own words that I almost teared...=P