Saturday, July 26, 2008

raising my children to .... serve in encounter weekend???

This weekend is my Church tribe ( YCYPAO) turn to anchor the youth encounter weekend to serve all who wanna to come encounter the Lord's love face to face.

Hmmm... logistics wise , we were quite short of YP12 lady guides to stay over the encounter camp to take care of and minister to the lady participants. It seemed so naturally to automatically eliminate the possibilty of the YP12 leaders who are mummies esp the preggy ones like myself and Belle to stay over and serve as guides leaving only the the single ladies as the only choices .

During breakfast with one of my fellow YP12 sister, Julie, we were just discussing on the tight manpower amg the ladies and I was just thinking, something's not soo rite.

It can't be the trend that once we get married and settle down with kids we can't serve anymore in encounter yah????
This can't be the right trend.. eventually , all my fellow sisters who are single are going to be married would also have children ( yes , I claim this for every one of my sisters )and surely this can't be the excuse that we can't serve in the encounter rite????

Then an exciting tot just flashed past me......

While I can't be as involved as I would like to be in serving in the ministry, but the lord has blessed me in that I've had a head start in having children and in the season of nurturing my young children ( plus the little one in me) .

I'm still gonna seize this moment to raise my children in such a way that my kids will in time be ready to help take care of my yp12 sisters' eventual children so that it can relief my YP12 sisters to continue to serve and bless other ladies during encounter weekends...

haha..... just sharing a passing tot.. but it sure does excite me to think that my children will rise up and be a blessing to take care and bless the next generation of children...=)

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