a happy lunch...
See my recent master piece........It's one of the rare times that I tried to make the kids food look interesting...
"For i know the plans I have for you , declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Posted by
3:48 PM
Posted by
9:57 PM
On Aug 2008, a beautiful baby boy was born.....
He's been such a blessing in our lives !! He is , and has been and WILL BE a blessing ALWAYS!
He's brought so much joy into our lives , always bringing a cheer even on gloomy dayz..=)
Mummy, Daddy and Jie Jie love you very much Gabriel!
Posted by
11:45 PM
So we all sang ," jie jie , jia you, jie jie , jia you..........."
The result ... a very motivated jie jie who finished her meal faster than usual and lots of fun with di di Gabirel clapping away , cheering jie jie on !!!
Posted by
2:24 PM
Something I really believe in :
"You can bonded with your children , not by their dependence on you. But by love and SHARED PRIDE in what they HAVE ACHIEVED. "
IT's my desire to raise my children to be confident children who dares to try and learn as they make mistakes in their journey towards independence.
Posted by
7:40 PM
Through the eyes of little Gracia -
Posted by
2:06 PM
ONe of the greatest blessings I wanna give to my children is to help him know and REALLY know how much God loves them and our God is a great and faithful one.
Life is never gonna be easy always but as they know that whatever storms they face in their lives, GOd is still in control and He loves them very very much. I know they will have the courage , grace and wisdom to grow up confidently and brave through every season of their lives =)
Posted by
1:04 AM
I can;t believe it... the one month Jun Hols are coming to an end!!!!!!
I was initially very apprehensive on how I was going to keep my ever active Gracia happily engaged at home and also how things are going to turn out with Gabriel and Gracia together at home.....
Well I must say, I'm kindaff sad that the hols are coming to an end... have enjoyed myself thoroughly tho exhausted .... Cause me to really appreciate the time I have with my kids and family.... time passes by just toooo fast.. before I know it , Gracia and Gabriel may be all grown up , having their own activities ... Gracia walking down the aisle with the man that the Lord has blessed her with..Gabriel going to the army and coming home only on the weekends.... ooppps... Am I thinking too much?????
Well, at this moment, I'm just so very thankful that I can really be so involved at this stage of their lives, laughing and playing with them., watching them develop and grow right before my very eyes. IT's all God's grace and I'm really thankful for it...
Want to get down to do some scape book project to capture all these precious moments together...
Will be posting pics up soon on my next entry!!!!!!
Posted by
11:16 PM
A challenging day .... discipling my 3 (almost , by this fri) year toddler.
It's time for her afternoon nap and her previous activity before her afternoon nap was practicing her alphabet writing . Although she's ok to move on to her nap, she still wanted to hold her book and pencil case to sleep. I agreed.
But on her bed she wanted to to take her sharp pencil out and hold it to sleep. Naturally I refused to accede to her request. It's DANGEROUS!!!!!!
But to her , it was something she liked very much and didn't think any wrong of holding it to sleep.
So it was disciplining time.
I explained the danger and told her she can't sleep with it. At most , only her pencil case with the pencil INSIDE. She refused to listen.
Then , mummy had to use a harsher tone. She still refused.
Next, a smack on the hand. Gracia still refused.
A few more smacks on the hand. Gracia still refused.
Then, confiscation of pencil and pencil case. Gracia still refused with ballooning tantrum.
Alas, the ultimate, Ze CANE.
Mummy is getting increasingly frustrated but consciously trying to contain her anger. However mummy's tone cannot hide her mounting frustration coz she's wondering how to ever make her dear Gracia get the MESSAGE!!!!!
In the end, the cane did work although it was used on gracia's mattress .
Gracia finally slept ( after lots of reassuring hugs from mummy through her sobs)...... with her pencil case ( without the pencil)
The act of DISCIPLINING is really UNPLEASANT. But behind all the unplesantness , it's stems from a lot of LOVE from the one who is disciplining.
Posted by
1:33 PM
Posted by
12:55 PM
Getting to Know ...... when my mummy makes me laugh.......... wa haa haaa... I'm sure you are laughing too!!!!!!!
Posted by
8:01 PM
As Gracia is turning 3 soon , she 's becoming more expressive about the things that she wants her way. Challenging ..... while I'm thankful that Gracia is growing in independence (eg like wanting to and being able to dress herself and choose her own shoes to wear, brush her own teeth..) , this is also the important phase to teach her about obedience and having a submissive and humble spirit especially to the authority placed( her daddy ,mummy and the elders) over her life.
In one of her recent defiance episode, I shared with her from my heart (almost to tears) on why I had to teach her to learn to obey.
"Gracia, daddy and mummy wants to teach you to learn to obey us so that you will grow up into a lady of wisdom and discernment with a life that's full of favour with God and people whom you will meet."
She nodded her head. ( actually wonder how much she understands yet....but she ALWAYS surprises me)
Only with a submissive spirit, would one be open to the correction and discipline of the authority that our loving God has put in our lives.
It's my prayer that Gracia will always have a submissive spirit with deep respect and trust for the authorities in her life . Through this , she would grow to understand what it means to fear the Lord =)
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Honour your father and mother -which is the first commandment with a promise-
that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-2
One who lives to fear and honour the Lord has no other fears because he/she has confidence that the Lord LOVES him /her and will grant wisdom and guide him/her all the days of her life.
Dear Lord, thank you for giving Johnson and me the priviledge and awesome responsibility to be the authority and steward over Gracia's and Gabriel's lives. GOd, we know you are one who created the innermost being of our beloved children , Gracia and Gabriel and you have plans to prosper them and give them a wonderful future.
Today , I once again surrender them to you and ask of you to grant me( and Johnson) the grace to parent and nurture the Gkids so that they 'll grow up to bring delight to you and be a blessing all the people around them.
Lord, also teach me what it means to honour my own daddy, mummy and mother in law , that I will be a blessing to their lives. Teach me to learn to listen and hear them and treat them with respect esp during the times when I'm not in the best of moods . Help me be the model for Gracia and Gabriel to follow after.
Posted by
10:37 AM
onefine day, mummy Heng decided to take a break and got some helpers with Gabriel's meal....
Lei Anne :" Hey Di di , quick finish your drink, I know I'm pretyy but Focus Focus, I 've got a appointment with my friend later! "
Ahh, finally the two Jie Jies finally met after doing their chores to go kai kai together! =)
Posted by
10:23 PM
" Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether of not you would keep his commands........ know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you..." Deuteronomy 8:2-5
What does being in a desert for forty years look like today?
To be in a desert for sucha looong period of forty years is not only a hard but a Heart test . THe prolonged period of WAITING can bring so much discomfort, discouragment and disappointment without seeing it from the perspective of a Loving God who is STILL in control .
This period is a one of deep soul searching but I'm growing to be thankful for it coz God has been surfacing and showing me the little imperfections of my heart . I realised that the impatience and frustrations that I felt were because the many things I had wanted to trust God for was , over time, becoming tainted with my own personal agenda with my own expectations on how I want certain things to turn out.
AM I willing to once again surrender to God for the things that I am claiming by faith to be fulfilled IN HIS TIMING , IN HIS WAY instead of mine?
Am I still willing to TRUST Him ?
Interestingly, I recall an incident where Gracia asked me to buy a golf set for her . Within me, I wanted to get it for her to make her happy , it wasn't expensive nor harmful so why not. But I decided to hold back.
I didn't want to let her have the habit of asking for toys and things and expecting to get it at her whims and fancy. Somehow I know, over time, that will take away her true enjoyment of the things given to her ( delayed gratification).
I wanted her to truly be able to enjoy the things she have , to learn to wait and to TRUST me that I wanted the best for her and desire to give her things that will truly satisfy and bless her .
So I tried as lovingly as I can and said,
"No, Gracia. Not now and not this. Mummy will check with daddy and we'll decide later"
She flared into a tantrum. Was tempting to relent to avoid the discomfort of tussling with her but I still held back. I knew even if I explained , she wouldn't understand.
To make up for the vacuum within her to find something to satisfy her, I spent extended time outside for a walk and playing with her. She soon forgot about the golf toy and still returned home very happy coz she had a wonderful time with mummy. She didn't get the toy in the end but she had more of me =) I know our relationship deepened and more than that I wanted for her to TRUST me more .
Such a parallel with my relationship with God.
Many times I get frustrated and disappointed when my wait for God to answer seemed too long for me . But while the wait has been really tough, I'm beginning to understand that God wanted to correct my inner heart attitutes and refine me deep within . Furthermore, He wanted to deepen my relationship with Him and for me to TRUST Him more. That I look to Him not just for the things What He can give me but look to Him as one who loves me.
Lord, forgive me for the times I been so tempted to try to solve the issues at hand in my own way rather than wait and trust you during the prolonged waiting for your answer. I know that your thoughts are higher than my thoughts and your ways higher than mine. I may not understand how and when you will fulfill the things that I have been praying for but I know you will fulfill it in your timing , in your way . I know you love me .I will TRUST you during this waiting period in the desert. =)
Posted by
10:22 PM
Posted by
3:15 PM
Posted by
1:50 AM
Gabriel - God is my strength
Posted by
4:50 PM
I did it!!!!!!
Posted by
9:22 PM
Been tough lately with much discouragement and disappointment in ministry, this song kept me focused on the one thing in the midst of my pain, every night ever since ,
Posted by
9:31 PM
Yeah, Good Friday (10 APr) is coming.....
It's GOOD coz the significance of this day has brought me so much GOOD in my life....
IT's GOOD coz many many many years ago, someone loved me so much to go through so much to lay his life for me on the cross..
He not only died but He rose again and is ALIVE TODAY!
what He did for me then is still bringing so much good in my TODAY!
Here's one of my many testimonies of His goodness :
This year, begin to appreciate the gift of grace thru Jesus' love for me. I used to think I was a very patient and good natured person until I stayed at home full time as a mummy.
It's a challenging journey for me to remain loving and patient amdist all the demands of my 7 mth baby and a 3 yr daughter who is going thru a phase of seeking her own independence ( her current and I pray only temporary fav phrases , " I dun wan" , "NO". )
I lost my patience( and self control) one day and was exceptionally harsh to my daughter. I felt terribly lousy and ashamed of myself as a mother. But as I came to pray to Jesus confessing my guilt, I received his gift of grace thru this verse ,
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but we have one who has been tempted in every way , just as we are are but without sin.
So let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:15-16
Jesus sympathises with my moment of weakness and his blood on the cross frees me from all condemnation so that today I can put the gulit of my past failings on the cross and continue in my journey with confidence to grow to be a loving mother.
Not by 100% of my own strength and determination alone but together with the grace of Jesus everyday, I will emerge victorious =)
HOw about you? DO you have a reason to celebrate GOOD Fri too?
Posted by
10:56 AM
Posted by
10:52 PM
Posted by
5:03 PM
Pastor YP and Pastor YC have a special place in my heart , and am so glad to be part of their lives at this special milestone in their family legacy. Indeed , they are a family that truly walks by faith and a living testimony to me that God's grace is indeed sufficient to all who trusts in Him.
Posted by
12:00 AM
I really appreciate the gift of Grace so much more as I see how vulnerable I can be....
I lost my patience so many times but because of Grace... I could continue to Stand and be the nurturing mother and wife that I would want to GROW to be...
Because of Grace , I am set free from the condemnation and guilt of the times that I lost my cool with my kids even though I constantly remind myself that I am modelling for them to be a person filled with grace, love and patience.
Grace, caused me to humble myself to realise that I am weak but comforted to know that I have a God who understands my weakness yet do not judge me.
Grace, gives me the confidence to face my mistakes and move on COz I am already forgiven and still accepted and loved...
Grace, helps me to empathise with those who are struggling with emotional baggages more than others in their lives..
Grace, reminds me , to pause before I jump to judge others coz I am as vulnerable to be tempted to do the very things that I know I should not do too...
Grace, gives me strength and confidence to face the daily challenges of being a SAHM and loving wife coz I know His grace ensures that He will top up all the rest of the things I lack..
Grace, causes me to realise that I need to learn to surrender and let go of the things that are really beyond me to handle...
Grace, gives me the power to overcome depression that could have resulted from self condemnation ...
I'm so thankful for the grace given to me by my loved ones esp my hubby. He knows my weakness and yet accepts me the way I am while nudging me forward towards love and good deeds...
Thank you Jesus for first giving me your grace, so that I can wake up every morning and start afresh again and move on from yesterday's regrets for things I wished I did better as a mummy...
Your grace is so precious to me . =)
" For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are- yet without sin.
Let us then approach the throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need " Hebrews 4 :15 -16
Posted by
1:47 PM
Yes, I am learning to rest. For a SAHM , this is no easy feat.
With 2 kids at home, there's more than enough work to keep me occupied 24/7 , rest is something that would require EFFORT.
But I learnt it the hard way after suffering from the physical and emotional turmoil last week.
The toil on me from lack of rest caused me to lose my joy and it affected my whole family. The kids were having a less patient mummy who played less but quick to snap at them . My hubby also caught the "tired" bug from me and missed his "very talkative wifey" and also missed returning to a home filled with laughter after work.
I needed to discipline myself to rest. God himself modeled for me, then who am I that I need less rest than Him ? We were all designed to have a sabbath rest, any lack of it will catch up with us in time! =)
"And on the seventh day, God rested from all His work" Hebrews 4:4
"And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work...." Genesis 2:3
God's timing could not be better , I attended Ps Benny Ho's seminar as part of my cell group activity last week and was sooooo blessed.. his topic ministered direct to me..." REST ".
Besides a physical rest, Pastor Benny Ho also reminded me that my soul ( emotions) also needed rest., I had to learn to surrender all that has been weighing upon my heart to the lord. Yes, I had to surrender my heart ache to the Lord . `
I must learn to rest my body and soul if I want to continue to be the blessing to my home and all around me. I have determined to make effort to Rest..
For a SAHM, it doesn't come naturally unlike a 9-5 job, but here is a principle that I'll use to prioritise my pockets of free time:
Woo Hoo! =)
Posted by
1:49 PM
I was exasperated and tired. Have been trying to recover from a heart ache from someone dear to me so it kindaff affected me physically , mentally and emotionally , excerbated by the non-stop engagement with the G kidz and housework..
So my patience with Gracia was running thin, another one more of her many tantrums of the day I was going to have to "let it out"....
I laid out the food on the table to get her dinner ready before Gabriel wakes up and she let out the trigger sentence " I dun want to eat" and started whining around...
I had enough for the day , no, i dun want to scream coz my energy is depleting, nor do I want to isolate her coz that would also take more time and energy...
I just blurted out to her right from my heart, close to tears, " Gracia, mummy is very very tired. PLease dun do this to me anymore. Do you want me to work and not come home anymore? Or do you want me to stay at home to care for you..if so , please dun make it so difficult for me." I was exasperated...and Gracia seemed stunned.
There was a long pause . What happened later surprised me, she just started to eat her food , no fuss, no tears, no fidgeting. Amazing.
We had an enjoyable dinner together today . She was exceptionally sweet, not only she ate her food with appreciation ( with her hmmm, waaa..) she also scooped fish onto my bowl. She tried to make me smile," mummy ok? " she asked. I replied , " Yes yes" .
I used to have to use disciplinary actions to get my msg across so today's incident was pretty refreshing to me. GUess she's able to emphatise with my emotions much than that I expect her to . understanding Gracia a little more today.
Starting on my journey to have more mother-daughter talks at home.....
Posted by
10:01 PM
Posted by
10:36 PM
it's an exciting and adrenaline pumping career having to keep up with the high energy G-kidz who are ever ready to surprise me everyday with their new demands, needs and IDEAS!!!!
Indeed, as a SAHM, there's only one thing that has been constant for me EVERYday... that is CHANGES!
Just when I could pat my back and sign a big relief when baby Gabriel slept thru the night at only 11 weeks , he starts to pop up last month ( 5 months) at 3 am / 5am /630am and starts crying for his milk . So it was time to feed him solids.... then there was peace again for a week but only for a week and he started popping up at exactly 3 am again......... this time it was TEETHING!
Gracia's appetite and preference for food also changes every day!
Gracia's adjusting to school and her attitute towards school also varies! 1st 3 weeks surprsisingly happy in school w/o me and then just last week she would go into a big tantrum before school, crying and begging me to go with her. Thank God things are getting better at school
SAHM.... not something for the faint hearted with so many multiple roles to play!
Entertainer - Dancer, Singer, Clown , Drama Queen , Story Teller
Chef - your audience doesn't give you much grace for lousy lunch food!
Nutritionist - Assessing if the kids have had all the good food from the various food categories
Doctor - self explainatary....
Chauffeur - Ferry Gracia to and from school
Comfort Provider - to wipe away the tears and give assuring hugs when G-kids are fearful
Discipline Mistress - this is one of the toughest .. very energy sapping and brain draining coz of the various strategies involved!
..... and the list goes on.......=)
But one of the things that I've learnt is ...
BE POSITIVE , LAUGH and SEEK HELP from like minded pple! The Tough times dun last!
Also, I learnt that I have a extraordinary patient, wise and loving husband who has been taking so good care of us all esp ME ! =)
Love ya Daddy Johnson!
Posted by
12:51 PM
Yes.. a brand new year... a brand new focus..... the last day of 2008 ends my last day at work. After a long time of deliberation , finally decided to let go adn realign myself to focus on the key priority of my life this season - to nurture my children and build up my home =)
I'll miss the challenges working out there , but I guess I've fought a good fight at the work and now, I'll be moving on to the next focus of this season as a
Posted by
8:26 PM